Sunday, July 11, 2010


Screw the break!!! My best friend and I are back to being friends, not best friends, but friends. We still act the same with each other but we don't have the same title.

-Sara :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

breaks and heat waves

Currently we are experiencing a major heat wave, temperatures over 100 degrees for days in a row. Not pleasant in the slightest bit!

My ex-best friend and I are taking a break from each other, which is where the "ex" comes into things. She doesn't think it's worth it to continue trying to be friends with me, and I honestly feel the same way abou her. She just isn't the type of person I have much in common with, who's so-called "jokes" I can laugh at.

Is it wrong to take a break from someone who was one of your 2 best friends for over a year? Please give m your feedback on this, I would really like to know.

Oodles of love!

-Sara :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

late night GLEE

Glee is a tv show that has been on for a while now, I believe at least a year. I just finished watching the first  6 episodes. I must admit, it was most likely a big mistake to watch 6 episodes in a row of a tv show until 3:15 AM. Especially considering I have to wake up at 8:30 to shower and get to the orthodontist for my 9:20 appointment on time. I'm exhausted, a shower had better energize me when I wake up!

Don't stay up too late! (At least no later than now.)

-Sara :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Is it the end? Or just the begininning? Or is it simply someplace in the middle?

In the theater, we would say that act 1 has ended, the curtain has closed temporarily, and act 2 will begin shortly.

Graduating 8th grade has marked the end of my childhood days, as well as the start of my high school experience. As sad as it is that I won't see a lot of my good friends from elementary and middle school again, due to the fact that many of us are going to different high schools, I am very excited for what awaits in the next 4 years of my life. How could I not be? New friends, a new school, new teachers. Not to mention everything I'll learn, in school and out, be it book smarts or street smarts. Last night at the end of graduation I was crying so hard while hugging my friends. This is a major milestone in all our lives, but it also makes it more real how there is a big chance we will lose each other through it all. I do't want that to happen! I have met so many great people at school in the past 8 years of my life, and even if we weren't exactly best friends, we did get closer! I want to keep getting closer with them, rather than slowly grow apart.

During graduation I could not stop smiling. :)  It made me so happy to know that I made it, along with all my friends! Wearing a new dress and 3" heels could only add to my happiness of course. Haha, but on a more serious note, I felt so proud of myself when I received my diploma (it had my name on it!) and when the salutatorians and the valedictorian spoke. They are all extremely good friends of mine. Unfortunately, 3 out of the 4 of them are going to different schools from me. :(  I could not get over how proud they made me feel, though. The only way that comes to mind for how to describe my feeling about it, is that I felt as proud as i would have if they were my own children! It sounds weird, but it describes it pretty accurately.

Now I have the whole summer ahead of me before I need to start worrying about high school! It's a busy summer, and I think I'll start it right now. Well, I'll start getting ready for the graduation pool party I'm going to soon!

Big kiss, class dismissed! (I go that from a book I read, it's really good.)

-Sara =)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


What a subject! The first thing you must know is that you most definitely should not be sexist! No one appreciates it and it will get you nowhere in life. I have a very big final this Monday, and a bunch of people in my class were studying in a shul together for it. I went to join them, needing a little help; I was the only girl since the other girls in my class all live on the other side of town from me, and the one girl who does live near me was away. I sat down, took out my books, and we were about to start when an older man in the room comes over. I figured "Oh, maybe we're being a little too loud, there are a lot of us after all." But no! He came to inform me of the fact that the room was for men only. I was kicked out!! Can you say "sexist"? Because I certainly can, and that was a great example of a sexist person. The table we were at was in the far corner of the room from the door, so I had to walk the walk of shame through the room, everyone staring at me as I went. Can you believe that? I mean, the nerve of him! It's not uncommon nowadays for people to have co-ed study groups, and so the Beit Midrash (study room) should be for both girls and boys. I would really like to write a very angry (yet still respectful) letter to the rabbi of that shul. I will refrain from saying his name to save him the embarrassment, but he certainly failed to refrain people of his congregation for embarrassing me in his shul!! The letter would no doubt be in vain, my friend told me that she read on his blog an extremely sexist comment. He wrote that he believes that women belong in the kitchen. Uh, he-llo!!! We live in the 21st century, where women are quite commonly successful people, and it is not rare for a woman to be more successful than a man.

Any suggestions about how to solve this sexist problem of mine?

-Sara =)

Monday, May 17, 2010

my apologies for the confusion

I am awfully sorry for my changing the title and domain name of my blog so much. The newest one is:

title= Act Out

domain name=

Thanks for your support!! If anyone has any suggestions for making my blog more interesting or look cooler, please feel free to tell me!!!


Am I your bitch?

Wow. Wow. And wow. I don't have the words to describe what I feel like right now. I mean, I can think of a few. Confusion, grief, overwhelmed, sad, frightened, horrible, sick, loneliness. What am I talking about? That's right, you have no idea. Where to begin? I suppose the beginning is the best place. It's just so painful to go through it all again, not to mention the third time I'll have to relive it when I write about it in my journal.

Yesterday was my black belt test for taekwondo, and I got my recommended black belt. I felt strongly (and still do) that I don't deserve the belt, since I couldn't do everything I was supposed to do. In total I was expected to break 6 boards, yet I only succeeded in breaking 2. Totally unacceptable. And when it came to sparring, I don't think I did so well. One of my two best friends was texting me after (she came to watch, not that she actually watched; she read, talked, or texted the whole time, not paying attention at all) saying that I did really well and I looked hotter than anyone else there in my taekwondo uniform. I blew up at her. She didn't understand that I don't give a damn about what i looked like, and neither does anyone else. I told her that I would rather do everything expected of me really well and be the ugliest one there, than not be able to do everything (even though I can't understand why that had to happen at this test, when I could do those same things in class! I guess it was nerves, but ugh!!) and look better than anyone else there. She was like "Ok bye talk to you later." I said "Ok thanks for your support." Now that I look back on it, that was a completely bitchy and wrong thing of me to say, because she was trying to support and comfort me, but I was just throwing it away, taking it for granted. That got Ricki pissed off, causing her to blow up as well. Our fight went on for a while, with me thinking I might have just lost one of my best friends, but I'll tell you some of what Ricki told me. "Ugh you're so difficult, i try to be a good friend, I show up to all your events, this and your concert concert tonight and other shit. I do things for you like surprise parties and hang out with you and Miriam (our other best friend-we have a trio), which is time out of my schedule, but everything I do doesn't seem appreciated even though I put in a lot of work for you, and when was the last time you showed up to a single one my games (she plays baseball)? And you rebut every piece of advice I give you and your not too nice to other people in the same situation. So yes I love you but seriously you have to be a bit more considerate because I really do put in a lot for you!" I replied asking if she thought I was a selfish, self-centered, horrible bitch, who doesn't care at all about other people. She said yes she does think that. That's not all though. "You never listen to my advice and when was the last time you said or did one nice thing for me? And I really don't want you to keep treating people like this because it makes me feel shitty all the time and that you don't care about me at all when i do care about you so much." Here's still more. " It's not only that, it's that you never seem to care about what i do, like have you ever asked when my games are or something? And everything seems to always revolve around you and you get upset about the tiniest things when I put up with a lot and it's like you weren't even appreciative that I came today (to my test) like you just expected me to be there and then you were complaining about how badly you did which isn't even true. But whatever." Then, since I told her I wouldn't get mad at her for it, Ricki gave me a list of 6 main things that are wrong with me:

  1. You focus problems on yourself more and seem to push to be the center of attention or focus on your own problems instead of other people's.
  2. Your not really grateful when people do things for you, making it seem like you expect people to always be like that which aggravates people. 
  3. You make problems bigger than they actually are and get upset about tiny things that don't go your way.
  4. You really are cruel to boys who truly love you.
  5. You tell them bad things about them which they might not want to hear (honesty is the best policy but sometimes it's outright mean). 
  6. You act naive or fake sometimes and it gives off the impression that you are playing dumb.
When I got this text from Ricki, I was quite surprised. She had hit many things dead on, but other things that she pointed out to me I hadn't even noticed I did! For #3, I'm just sensitive, and problems that come up have always really upset me. For #6, people might think I'm playing dumb because most kids my age know stuff I don't know, but I'm not playing dumb, I truly don't know those things! For #5, I usually ask people if they want to hear what i really think, and if they'll get mad at me when I tell them. Mostly they tell me to tell them and they won't get mad, so it might not be what they want to hear, but they did ask for my honest opinion and I give it to them. I'm a very frank person, and I know that quite well about myself. I guess I'm just not afraid of calling it like it is, because I would rather know people's real opinion than have them lie to me. That's all coming back at me now, attacking me with vicious claws, scratching at every exposed part of my being, inside and out. These scars will never heal, but now I understand what others feel like when I tell them the truth. true, i say I wouldn't mind, but no one has ever told me such bad things about myself. For #4, I never know how guys feel about me. They never bother to take the time to tell me, most just assume that I'll be able to know their feelings without being told, but I can't! For #2, I really do try and remember to say "thank you, " but it seems that I haven't lately. All I can think of to say for #1 is that I'm a drama queen and I know it, but it doesn't really bother me, and I didn't know it bothered anyone else. No one ever informed me that they were bothered by it. But also, I don't do it purposely, I feel like things just naturally have to do with me. I mean, when I'm with my friends, The circle is usually around me, and if it's not, I'm always a part of it, or adding a lot to the conversation. Plus, Ricki told me that when people refer to my friends, it's usually referred to as "Sara's group."

Who am I kidding?? I've just been told everything bad about myself, I'm being given the chance to change and become a better person, something I told myself I would try to do, and here I am, doing the exact oppposite, trying to explain everything away, so I don't seem like such a bad person after all!! No. I can't do that. I will try to be a better person. I pride myself on being happy, smiling, and making others happy as well. I want to live my life to the fullest, making the best of every day, as I never know if it will be my last. I can't go any longer without changing myself, and apologizing to all the people I've hurt. I may never have the chance again! 

I just need friends to help me through this time, to help me change myself, but I don't know if I have any friends willing to do that anymore. I may have lost them all already. 

I have never been so ashamed of myself.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

oops!!! my bad!!

Forget when I said my birthday is in 11 hours and 44 minutes. I counted wrong, and as of now, it is in....2 and a half hours exactly.


Happy Mother's Day to every wonderful mother out there! And even if you are not a wonderful mother, you are a mother nonetheless, so happy Mother's Day to you, too! My family and I celebrated by going out to Shalom Bombei for dinner. It's this really good Indian restaurant where I live. We gave my mother cards, and my dad got her a muffin and coffee from Starbucks in the morning. Whoa. Back up there! Rewind!! Isn't it like a tradition to give your mom breakfast in bad on mother's Day? You are absolutely right, that is the tradition, but my mom goes against it, daring to be different. She likes to get up early on Mother's Day and go to taekwondo, dragging my brothers and me with her. Don't ask why, because I can't tell you, I don't rightly know myself.

I absolutely cannot believe it, but in 11 hours and 44 minutes I will be 14 years old!! I don't think I'm going to feel any older though, different, wiser. I feel the same, but with a different number when I am asked how old I am. Should I be striving for some great feeling now that I am just about 14 years old? Is there supposed to be some overwhelming sense of maturity or something? Beacuse a lot of my friends are already 14, and they are certainly not any more mature than they were while 13. One example is that my friends greatly enjoy making "that's what she said" jokes. Another is that my friend Hillel repeatedly calls me a spaz, and I finally broke down and told him "fine I am a spaz." That wasn't all though. Following his victory cry, I said, "but I am a proud spaz!!" I think that should keep him quiet for a while. Scratch that. He is gloating that he was right and I was wrong.

Does that give you the impression of maturity? If it does, please explain to me how so. I must be missing something.

My schedule is wacky, crazy, chaotic, hectic, and every other adjective like that. Thursday was the performances of my grade's Holocaust play at school. In the morning some schools came to see it, and at night it was parents and siblings mostly. The kids in my grade actually managed to pull it together, and we performed very nicely. We even got a standing ovation at the night performance, started by my wonderful older brother, Yaakov. Tomorrow is my school choir's Spring Concert. We are performing along with the SAR and Ramaz choirs. Upon finding out the date about a month and a half ago, I freaked out happily that it was on my birthday, so Mrs. greenberg, the choir teacher, said the would all sing Happy Birthday to me at the end of the concert! Sunday brings my recommended black belt test at taekwondo (*shrieks*) and Matt Okin's spring talent showcase, which my friends and I are singing a trio in. Have you ever heard "The Rose" by Bette Midler? That's what we're performing. It's an amazing song. The last performance I have that is coming up is on June 18, and it is my first piano recital and a singing performance, since my piano teacher is also my voice teacher and she and her husband have these concerts twice a year. I am so excited for all of this! 

Especially the piano part of it all, I have never performed my piano playing, and I have improved at a tremendous speed, learning at such a quick pace that jana, my teacher, is greatly impressed, considering the fact that I have only been playing since January. I have simply fallen in love with the piano! Jana's exact words after one of our lessons a few weeks ago were, "I think you must have been born to play piano." That meant so much to me, since she is a professional, and must know what she's talking about. 

I feel so happy right now. I have a good life, friends who love me, a boyfriend who is crazy about me. What more could a girl ask for? Well, if you insist on knowing, a girl like me could really ask for a dog, but.....I'm just joking. As wonderful as a dog would be, I'm still happy with my life. 

Now why is she so happy? Is she high? Is she drunk? Is she delirious? No, no, no, and no. I am reading the diary of Anne Frank, and it put my life into perspective for me. I have such an amazing life, yet I take most of it for granted. There are so many oppurtunities for me to be happy, or to help someone in need, yet I let it slip through my fingers without a second thought. Now that I am turning 14, it is a new year for me, a yearin which I can become a better person, further develop all the qualities that make one into an exceptionally good person. 

I have big goals for myself this year, and I should probably be getting started on them . The first step would most likely be to leave the computer and go work on my english essay due next Monday....


Friday, May 7, 2010

OMG. I haven't blogged in such a long time. I would blame it all on the fact that my schedule has been majorly busy lately, but that would be a load of crap. It's more that I have been too lazy to bother going on the computer, logging on, and spending my time blogging. So go ahead. Say it. Say it! SAY IT!! I am a lazy girl, who cannot finish what she has started. 

Great! Now that you've said it, I have the chance to prove you wrong. I don't want to be a quitter. I will follow through, no matter what. But one thing that I might do, is simply start over. I feel like everything I have blogged about is trivial and juvenile. 

At the moment, my friend, Shoshana, is at my house. We are walking to the bus stop so we can go to the mall, as we are shopping for graduation dresses and shoes. I promise I will continue what I have started, so don't worry. 

See ya soon!!


Sunday, March 14, 2010


Oh. My. G-d!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! I have 2 followers!!! This is all I have ever dreamed of for my blog, to have followers and people who comment on it. This is a very auspicious day in my life!

So here is a shout-out to my loyal followers/commentors. I love you guys!

Here is another shout-out, to are right it is good to find a fellow knitter, and it is extremely cool that I can talk to someone all the way over in Australia. I have always wanted to have like a pen-pal or something, so if you would like, melsyoungestsis, I hope we continue to talk over this wonderful invention called the Internet!!! There is a very good website for knitters and crotcheters, where you register, and then a few days later or something you are sent an invititaion to create your account. People can become friends with their fellow knitters, find projects, patterns, yarns, from places all over the world! It is I think you should try it out! I have an account on it, and to tell you my opinion, it really comes in handy when you are looking for a pattern but don't know a specific one, there are so many different ones. For instance, on Friday I was at my mom's office, because I was going to my friend's house for the weekend and my mom didn't want to go back and forth, and I was looking for a knitted tie pattern. So I logged onto Ravelry, went onto the patterns part, put in "knitted tie" and I found two really cool patterns and one pattern for a bowtie! It's actually awesome!!!

Now I ahve one more shout-out. I am at my friend's house for the night and I'm using her laptop. She wants her laptop now to use, so here goes with the shout-out to my one voter!!!

Toodles!! Gnite!!!

-Little Miss Sunshine

Friday, March 12, 2010

Rethinking My Name

Just to clear things up a bit, i am not rehtinking my real name, just th name I use to sign my blog posts and stuff. right now I use my real first name, because of what my teacher pointed out to me, how I have nothing tohide so why shoudl i use a fake name? Well, I'm thinking fo different nicknames, because they're more fun to use on a blog than my real name, so tell me what you think rate it 1 to 10 please:

-sassy bird
-sassy chick
-little miss sunshine
-purple princess
-sweet knitter
-sassy knits
-sweetie bird

I am willing to do any of these names without the spaces in etween the words. Please leave comments on which you like most. Or rate it 1 to 10. The voting results will be posted when i get them. Whichever name gets most votes will probably be the one used. Uch, I don't know why I felt the need to say that!! I'm sorry. I probably made you feel really stupid just now. Please don't take it personally. It was my bad.

Until then!!
-Sara =^)

Oops I Did It Again!

It's really just like the song "Oops I Did It Again." Because I did do it again. You must be wondeirng by now "what the hell is she talking about?!" I'll tell you so that you can stop wondering. I changed the name of my blog again!!! This is the second time today!!!! I think this might become an obssesion or an infatuation or something else just as bad!!

Tata for now!
-Sara =^)

Posts and Ties

Gosh, I'm writing so many posts today! I am in a very author-like mood right now. I'm not really sure why. Maybe later I'll be in a very different mood! Who knows?

I just finished looking online for a knitting pattern for a necktie. men's or women's, it didn't matter. it's just that I have always wanted to try knitting one, so I figured that now was as god a time as any to look for a pattern. I actually found 2 patterns, and I might just try both of them. One pattern is called the "Party Tie" and the other doesn't really have a name, but the woman who mad eit wrote that she wanted to make her husband a funky tie, and this is what she came up with, so I named it the "Funky Tie." (not very original, but what can you do?) When I'm done, I'll post pictures so people can vote on which they like better. That way everyone is involved!

At the moment, my mother just walked in, and saw me writing this. She, being her curious self, asked what I was doing. I decided to eb totally honest with her, and I told her I was writing. (Very honest, right? But it's true! That is what I am doing. It just isn't the enitre truth.) Continuing being her curious self, it was inquired of me "Are you writing on a blog?" "Yes." "Who's blog is it? Do youhave a blog?" "Yes, this is my blog." "Does anyone read your blog?" "No, no one reads my blog (at least not yet)." "So why do you have it? How do you know?" "I have it because it's fun, and I knwo because there is this thing called 'Following' which is what you do if you like the blog and want to continue reading it. As of now, there are no followerfs on my blog. It's as if no one likes it!" I hope that's not true. I like to tell my self that people are just having trouble figuring out how to be a follower, or that they are just having trouble finding my blog, because when they were going to become a follower their computer shut down from a power-outage, and they can't seem to relocate it.

Anyways, as I was saying. Right now I am in the middle of a lacey scarf. The pattern is called "Feather and Fan." As soon as I am done with the scarf, I will post it along with the pattern.


I believe that self-reminder will do its job quite sufficiently.

Adios amigos!!
-Sara =^)


I am actually really impressed with myself! I knwo this is weird, because my blog had a different name justa few minutes ago, but I decided to change the name, because I like this one better. Even though the old one, "Tickle Me...I'll Laugh" is really true about me. I hope you like this one better too!


I am at my mother's office right now, working on my social studies essay. The topic I am doing is "Should women be allowed in combat in the U.S. army?" Well, so far I ahve read 3 or 4 websites, and they all bring up good points for why they should, and why they shouldn't.

One article brought up how in the israeli army women are allowed in combat units. Also, they can get promotions. In the United States army, things are a little different. First of all, there is the issue of the Army Phiysical Fitness Test. You are required to do a certain amount of sit-ups, push-ups, and a 2-mile run. Men and women are both judged equally on the sit-ups, but women are based on an easier scale when it comes to the running and push-ups. This already sets us women apart! Women happen to be shorter than men. This proves a problem when a woman has to carry out a wounded soldier from a battlefield. Women soldiers can carry wounded soldiers up to a certain weight. After that weight is passed, many of them end up dragging the other soldier. This has nothing to do with them being a woman though! If one was to look at the Israeli defense force, women are treated thesame way as men. They are allowed into combat units and can be promoted. Why can't the U/S/ do the same? Many women would like to be promoted to general or another position of honor like that, yet they are uncapable. And all because they can't be in combat units. In the U.S. army, you have to have been in a combat unit in order to be promoted. This is very unfair to women!

Another website I found had the opposite view. The author wrote about how having women in the army at all cancels out the idea of men protecting women and children from harm from their enemies.  I guess this guy has a point.

I have to go finish typing my essay, so i'll finish this later.


-Sara =^)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was just looking at all the things I can do on my blog. I haven't managed to fully figure it out yet, but I'm definitely working on it. I want to learn how to get pictures on here, and how to make different things to click on to get to certain posts. Also, I saw this thing for AdSense, but I can't really figure out what it does. I know that it's to put ads on my blog, and I know that I can somehow make money from that, bu I'm not totally sure if I want to do that. I mean, my older brother is amazing with computers, he even built one! I would ask him now, but he's studying for a test he has tomorrow with my cousin, who's in his class at school, and I can't disturb them, especially not for this, which could take a while. So I suppose I'll just ask him later.

I just realized, I meant to go biking to the candy store, but I don't really want to go alone. I guess I'll go call my friend now to see if she wants to come with me.



What does one do when his/her parents might be getting divorced? Because I think mine might be, but they haven't said anything about a divorce, so I don't want to bring it up. I mean, I think everyone's lives would be easier if they did get divorced, but it would also be very hard, especially financially, what with having two kids in high school and one in middle school next year, all at yeshiva. My parents have been fighting a lot lately. Actually, not just lately. My parents have been fighting a lot all the time. And now, they keep going to these appointments together. I feel like they are going to a marriage counselor (do those exist?) or they are going to someone who specializes in writing up divorce papers, helping them figure out how to split everything up.

I know it sounds horrible, but I would be pretty happy with a divorce. I would live with my mom, no question about it, and only have to visit my dad once in a while, maybe once a month, but probably not more than that. Even my best friend notices how much less tense, nervous, and jumpy my mom is when my dad isn't home. The house is quieter (sort of; quiet is slightly hard to achieve when you have a 16 year old brother and an 11 and a half year old brother).

I think the one person a divorce would be hard on is my younger brother. He is closest with my dad. My dad spoils him like there's no tomorrow, never saying no to anything he wants. Sometimes my dad gets mad at my brother for bothering him, but he never gets as angry as he does at the rest of us. It really annoys me when I think about how my dad spoils my brother so much, almost never getting angry at him compared to how many times he gets angry at me, my mom, and my older brother. It also really worries me when I think about what it's going to be like living with my mom and two brothers, and having to deal with my younger brother. He gets on my nerves so much!! Sometimes I get so angry and annoyed at him, that I start to genuinely hate him. I know I sound like the worst sister imaginable, but you've never had to live with him before!!

I'm really in the mood for jelly beans right now, so I think I'm going to go bike to the candy store to get some, and maybe some chocolate and gum too. I guess I'll just stock up on enough to last me for a couple of weeks at least. I like to stock up on candy once in a long while, and then keep it on my desk, because then when I'm studying or doing homework, or if I'm just in a bad mood, I have something sweet to eat. It always helps!! You should all try it you know. Just go out, buy a thing of your favorite candy that you can have whenever you want, and just keep it on your desk or someplace else in your room if not your desk. Then when you're working and need something to keep you going, you have it right there. Or if you're sad, you have something sweet that you love to cheer you up, and it's in easy access!!

Tata for now!!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Women's Accomplishments

My grade is required to enter the 19th Annual Kaplun Essay Contest. We have to write an essay about our favorite hero/heroine, Biblical, historical, or contemporary, and his/her influence on Jewish history and/or Jewish values.

It's really hard! Tonight I have to find a person to write about and come up with a topic sentence. It shouldn't be that hard, except that I can't decide who to write about! I want to do a woman, since I think that it would be easier for me to relate to a woman than to a man. In some cases this is not true, but for me I think it is.

I researched four people, one of which I finally chose. The first three I researched were Golda Meir, Chana Senesh, and Henrietta Szold. I decided against Golda Meir, because I thought that she was too typical, but it turns out that i don't think many people are writing about her. Chana Senesh was nixed next, because she was an amazing person, it's true, but I couldn't think of a good way that she had impacted Jewish history. Third went Henrietta Szold, for the same reason as Chana Senesh. I finally called up my cousin, who is a senior in high school, to see what ideas she had. She suggested doing the woman who started the Bais Yaakov movement. She started out as a poor seamstress, but then followed her dream and started teaching young Jewish girls Torah, in order to save their jewish souls from being destroyed by the secular world.

She is an amazing woman, and I am not fully sure why, but she made some sort of impact on me.

I have to go now, so I'll talk to you soon!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I checked my e-mails a few minutes ago, and when I logged off I saw an article about the Olympics. I read it, finding it very interesting. It's about a woman (I forgot her name) who is an alternate on the Canada Women's Curling team. She is 5 1/2 months pregnant! It turns out that she found out about her pregnancy just a few weeks before she was told about being accepted as an alternate! The team is very supportive of her, so it makes no difference in the long run.

I think it's so cool to be in the Olympics!

Whoops! Here comes my mom, and I'm not supposed to be on the computer right now!



Valentine's Day Presents

Today, my boyfriend gave me a Valentine's Day present, because even though we don't celebrate it, we think of it as a day to spread the love, and show how much we love each other. He got me the cutest little teddy bear ever!! It has a red bow around its neck, and all over the bow it has lips and says "xoxo". On its bottom paws it has a red heart outlined on each, and its holding a red heart that says "xoxo" in gold letters. I love it!!! It's the best present a guy has ever gotten me!!

I got him a card, and I made these crayons that are different colors, because they're melted together. Then with the crayons, I made him a picture. The last thing I gave him, which I gave him today instead of yesterday, since he forgot his wallet yesterday, was a picture of me that I put in his wallet. On the back of it I wrote him a little note telling him how much I love him and just how much he means to me.

Personally, I think we're a perfect couple!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Romantic Times

I was watching Titanic for the first time ever on Saturday night. I know what you must be thinking. "How could she have never seen Titanic? It's a classic movie!" Well, it's true. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but Saturday night was the first time I ever saw that movie. I think it's one of the most amazing movies ever made! James Cameron is a genius!! My boyfriend told me that it got 11 Oscars, and I think it deserved every one of them!!! I knwo it's super sad, not to mention super long, but I think I might put it on my iPod, that's how much I loved it. What made it even better though, was that I saw it with my boyfriend. We weren't alone when we saw it of course. We saw it at my friend's house, and there was 2 of my girl friends nd 2 of my guy friends there, not including my boyfriend. It was so romantic! We were holding hands and playing footsie and everything, and at one point during the movie he put his arm around me! My friend's mom came in though, so we had to hurry and separate, because we would get in trouble if we didn't, but it was great while it lasted!! You know that scene in the movie where Rose and Jack are standing on the railing of the ship, and she tells Jack that she trusts him, and they're holding hands? Yeah, so when that happened, my boyfriend squeezed my hand a little, since we were already haolding hands, and he also took my other hand in his. He's such a sweetheart!!

Today, we had a study date. He came over and we went to study in my basement. We didn't end up studying all that much though. We mostly just studied each other, which was fine by both of us! He has really soft hands, and he's so strong! I couldn't believe how strong he is, because just looking at him, you can't tell. I was running my fingers all along his upper arms and his chest, and man could I feel those muscles! He has super warm skin, and I felt like I could just melt in his arms. Then, right before he left, we stopped studying and just cuddled on the couch. I was tracing his jawline and the outline of his lips with my fingers, very lightly. When my fingers were on his lips, he kissed each of my fingertips on that hand. It was the cutest, most romantic thing a guy has ever done to me!

As soon as his lips touched my fingers, I felt a sort of electric shock going through my body. I know I love him now. He's so perfect for me! Luckily, he loves me too. And I know this is true, because he's told me plenty of times, but also, I can see it in the way he looks at me and talks to me. He has a certain tenderness about him. He's the most amazing thing that could ever happen to a girl! Here's a shout-out to my boyfriend: I love you! (Not that you didn't know that already.)

Love is such an amazing feeling. I feel happy all the time, as if I'm floating on a cloud, and have a piece of heaven on Earth. It's amazing how love can make a person feel, don't you think?

I wish my boyfriend and I could do things like today more often, but his parents say that us bring boyfriend/girlfriend is all the more reason for us notto be alone!! Sometime though, sooner rather than later, but later rather than never at all, the two of us are going to go someplace where we can be alone. Someplace where we won't have the pressures of our everday world following us, where we don't have to do any work (like studying- except for studying each other of course!), and where we can be ourselves. I don't want to have to worry all the time about being caught cuddling with him or something (my parents wouldn't approve of that either), and I want to have the freedom to do what we want!

I'll think about what to do.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Long Times, No Blog!!

G-d it's been a while!! How has everyone been? So much has been going on in my part of town. We just had 2 snow-days in a row (last Wednesday and Thursday). It was so much fun!!! Especially since I had a date on both of them, with my absolutely wonderful boyfriend. Here's a shout-out to all you lucky girls with your own special guys!!!! (In my own opinion, my guy is best though. Don't throw a hissy fit about that last statement though, because everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.)

Life has been very good to me lately. How about all of you, people of the world? I'm glad to hear it's been good to you too. Oh, it hasn't been good to you? I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Really, I am!

Last week, my friend and I were writing an article for our school's newsletter and blog, about a Shabbaton we had for the 8th graders. I found out that my teacher has a blog also! It was pretty cool to find that out. I was asking him if I searched for him under his name, if I would find his blog. He said most probably, because he thinks that if a person has a blog anonymously, it's because they are either a coward or they have something to hide. His opinion is that if you need to be anonymous on your blog because of something you wrote on it, then you shouldn't be writing it on your blog, or you just shouldn't have a blog in the first place!

So, since I agree with my teacher, I would like to start from a clean slate. Tell you things you need to know about me, but that are not dangerous to my safety, since that would just be utterly idiotic and would do me no good whatsoever in the long run. Here goes!

My name is Sara. There is no "h" at the end of my name. So if you are going to spell my name, please do not misspell it, since I gave you the correct spelling. Next, is that I am in 8th grade. When you think about it, me being in 8th grade makes sense, considering that I did help write an article about an 8th grade event. How else would I have known what it was like, unless if I were there as an 8th grader, ready for new and exciting experiences? My point exactly. The third thing you need to know for now is that I really want at least one person to follow my blog! Get all its updates, read what I write on it. Even comment on it just a little!!! That would be so exciting for me! It would make me feel like I was honestly and truly published. I mean, I know that I am published right now, since every time I write something new on my blog, I hit the "Publish Post" button in order for it to get put up on my blog.

I must go now, but I will be back in a jiffy (translation= a few minutes) to finish up!! Ta ta!!

-Sara =^D

Thursday, January 28, 2010


As you can see, I have been pondering a little bit lately. I'm trying to figure out what love is really like, what it really means. It's a very hard topic to figure out. There are just so many different answers!

For example, some people say that love is when you dream about someone constantly. Others say it's when you get butterflies in your stomach from being with that person. Still others say that it's when you want to have kids with that person. Others say that love is when you are ready and willing to spend the rest of your life with that person.

I'm not fully sure which one I agree with!! I'm sure there are more definitions of love, so I'll keep thinking of them, and try to figure out which I agree with. Get back to you later!!

-lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!!!

Howdy y'all!! I haen't been able to blog in *such* a long time!!! I've been *majorly* busy. First, I chose between two guys, and I am almost positive that I made the better choice. Two, it's winter vacation now!!! My family is skiing, while I am home taking a sewing class. It's a lot of fun. Yesterday we made pajama pants, and today we made shirts. Tomorrow morning we are going to do the hem on the shirt, and then start our skirts!! Fun, fun, fun!!!

Yesterday there was a huge storm here where I live. It was pretty unbelievable!!! On one street, three telephone poles fell down into the street, but they haven't fully hit the ground. They're being suspended in the air by the wires! Then as I was walking home from my sewing class today, I passed a street and saw that a telephone pole and the *ginormous* (don't tell me that that's not a real word; I don't care) tree next to it fell down, and *just* missed hitting someone's house!!

Huh. You know, I thought I had so much to say, but now that I am finally here at the computer, on my blog, and typing, I can't seem to remember it!!!!! I *hate* when that happens. It gets to be very cumbersome (I think that that word fits in where it is and makes sense there, but I am not fully sure. I just think it sounds cool, and since it happened to pop into my head, I put it in!!).


-lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Drama Club and Evil Teachers

Heyy!! Long time no blog!! I wonder if I have any comments yet???

Today the drama club in my school put on their performance. (By the way, my crush is in it [he's the only boy, yet he's not afraid of what people say about him; how cute is that??!!], and he is an AMAZING actor!!!! I can't believe he never acted before!!) The assistant principal was there watching it also, and she ruined the entire play!! She yelled at this little 6th grade girl (who is very shy, let me just say) that she needed to be louder! And she did that in front of EVERYONE in the audience, AND while the girl was IN THE MIDDLE of her PERFORMANCE!!! What kind of person does that??She's (the assistant principal) is so not a human being that it's unbelievable, and I can't believe the school ever hired her!! Then she went and cut 20 minutes out of each and every scene in the performance. Next, she went so far as to actually cut out 2 scenes from the performance!!! And even worse was that she kicked 8th grade out, because people weren't being good, and it's so not fair to the people like my friends and me who really wanted to see it!!!!!

I mean, I was at the performance last night, but I didn't get to see any of it, except for the first 10 minutes!! I was backstage helping everyone out. I washed paint off one girl's face, I handed another girl her "mushrooms." Best of all though, I helped people run lines. Including my crush!!!! And let me just tell you this. But you have to keep it a secret!! In one of the scenes (he was especially good in that one), he had to come out with his pants down around his ankles (he wore a bathing suit underneath so people wouldn't see his boxers) and his legs all bloody (honey with red food coloring in it-looks real!!). Oh my god!!!! He has such sexy legs!!! They're a little less muscled/toned than they could be, but they have like, the perfect amount of hairiness on them, and oh my god I can't get over how much I wanted to touch his legs!!

I know that sounds stalkerish, but I have a date with him, meaning that he must like me too, right? So it's definitely not stalkerish!!

-lil' miss laugh-a-lot

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No More Acting.....

It's horribly sad. My acting class is over for the year. I mean, I could sign up again for the spring class, but I can't because I am doing my school play in the spring, and it's too hard to do both of them.

We performed our play Monday and Tuesday night. Oh my god it was amazing!!!! I actually have slight troubles believing that we did it so well. That is, last night was MUCH better than the first night, but the first night was pretty good still. We performed Fools, by Neil Simon. It was hysterical!!! I am telling you, ever single one of you reading this should go out to the library or something and get that play and read the whole thing. I can guarantee you will enjoy it!! To make it really enjoyable though, pick different voices for each character, and then if you want, act it out. At least try to get really into each character, and feel what they are feeling in the story. I was Snetsky, and just in case if you want to use the same voice I used for him, I talked with a lisp the entire play. Believe me, it sounds really funny with a lisp.

To tell you the real truth, it won't be half as enjoyable for you to read and attempt to act out yourselves as it would have been for you to have come watch my performance of it. (Just so you know. But don't feel upset about it, because it's too late to change the fact that none of you, my faithful readers, were there.) I forgive you for it though. One hundred percent completely. Especially since I was so busy the days before the performances, that I forgot to tell you about it! So if you wan to blame someone, you may blame me.

I have to go study for a social studies test now. Wish me luck on it tomorrow!

-lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow Days

Snow days.... I love them so much! have you heard of them? Yeah, they're those days that we haven't gotten any of yet this year! You know, where it snows a lot, so we don't have school.... Oh right! Forgot about those, huh? Well, don't feel guilty. There's no need to. I might have forgotten what they were also, except that I love snow, so it's like impossible to forget about snow day, which are just an added bonus of snow! I wish it would stop snowing on the weekends. I mean, it's true, it has snowed on a few Sunday nights this year, but then it doesn't snow enough to get a snow day. And that's what we need! A day where there is just so much snow a person can't possibly go anywhere except sledding!! Has anyone seen the weather forecast lately? Do you know if there's any snow expected? If there is please tell me! I need to prepare for a snow day tomorrow morning then!!

The following is a list of what you need to do to ensure a snow day the next morning:
1) Wear your pajamas inside out and backwards (no matter how silly you look!).
2) Put a silver spoon underneath your pillow.
3) Put a penny face-up on your windowsill.
4) Think about a giant blizzard coming in the might and giving us at least two feet of snow.
5) Wish for a snow day with all your might.

I am sure that there are more and I just can't remember them, so if you know them you can add them to my list in a comment, or just do them and tell all your friends to do them too!! (I know, I'm getting desperate here though! I really, really, really want some followers and comments on my blog!!)


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One of Those Days...

Have you ever had one of those days? Where your hopes are p really high about something and you feel like you're floating way up high on a cloud in the sky (ha! that rhymes! I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!)?

Well, that was what my day was like today. At first I was all excited and happy, because two nights ago I found out that the boy I like might ask me out (and I found this out from a reliable source- he told me himself!) By the way...this is top secret stuff!!!! Shhh, don't tell!!! ;^} (lips sealed and locked)

But then tonight we were talking, and I realized something, which I just finished e-mailing him about, that we are really close friends, and if we did go out we would end up breaking up sometime. I wouldn't want to lose a friend like him to a break up though! That would be really depressing, since we're so close. I feel like I can tell him anything!! He's like my twin brother that I never had. Or something like that.

Sure, it would be fun for a while to be his girlfriend, but then we'd probably get interested in different people, we'd end up fighting a lot, and things just wouldn't work out. (At least, that's what I've heard about.) So I'm glad I decided to go ahead while I had the courage, and just e-mail him that, because otherwise, things may have turned out disastrously!

Here's a shout-out to all those lonely, broken hearts out there! Normally, now would be a good time to say "Don't worry about it! There are other, better fish in the sea!" But I happen to know from some experience that when you have a lonely, broken heart, it sure doesn't feel like any other fish could be any better than your ex-fish. But i will say this. You should cheer up, because if you and your special "fish" broke up, it's for a good reason. Maybe it was because you two just weren't right for each other, you were having fights about stupid things like what kind of milk is better, way too often, or your "fish" was pressuring you into doing things you didn't want to do. Don't worry! These things are all perfectly normal. You need to realize that you have enough time to get married, time which you could use for finding the fish meant for you. As a great jewish scholar once said, "This too is for the good." And this quote is so true. I have gone by this quote so many times before in my life, that it's insane! For example, my friend and I were raising money in our school to buy a wedding present for one of our teachers. Well, we had one all picked out from their registry, and we would have been able to raise all the money for it in the time we had, but it turns out that into our second day of fund-raising, someone else had bought it before us. The two of us were extremely upset by this, and we didn't know what to do! So we went to a different store, where we found a present that was even more perfect than the one we had originally chosen! And the whole time, guess what I was thinking to myself. "Oh my god, that quote really is true! Everything really is for the good! No matter how bad something seems, it can still work out even better!" That thought just went around and around in my head that day.

Luckily, I'm realizing it now also, before I do something that will ruin the friendship between me and this boy irreparably!

So just think of that quote! And good luck to you all!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Time Wasters

Did you know that there are millions of time wasters out there in our world, just waiting to be found?

If you didn't, here are some of them:
1) Talking on instant messenger
2) Facebook/Myspace/twitter
3) Texting (unless if it's about something important)
4) Watching tv
5) Coloring on yourself
6) Making mudpies
7) Procrastinating, especially when you should be studying for a giant math test you have TOMORROW!!!!!

It's true. I fit into the last category of time wasters. It's pretty bad for me. And I'm also talking on AIM. So I think I'll go finish up my conversations with m friends, and then force myself to go study. Toodles!!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's Over!

My interview is over and done with! If I do say so myself, it went pretty well. When it was over I went around with one of the students there. I was supposed to stay all day, but I wasn't feeling very well, and I was going to walk home anyways, so I walked home early. Thank you, I appreciate your get well wishes to me!!

Now I have to go back to school tomorrow though, and I have a really hard test that I have to take. I'm scared for it. Do I have any good luck wishes? Some of you must surely be wondering why I am blogging if I should really be studying for my giant test tomorrow, right? Well, to tell you the truth, blogging is a LOT more fun that studying!!

Now I have to go, so have a good rest of the day, and a good night!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Monday, January 4, 2010

High School

Wh out there has already gone through the high school ordeal? Well I will begin next year. I'm really scared of being the lowly freshman, who is bossed around by all the seniors and sophomores and juniors. They're all so big! And I'm so small!!

Tomorrow I have my interview, and then after that I am spending the day with a buddy who will take me to all her classes and stuff, so I can see what that high school is really like.

I'm so scared!!! I hope I don't seem like a complete idiot on my interview!! I will sound like on though if they ask me about current events. That's like, my worst subject ever!!!!

I have to go take a shower now, so I look nice tomorrow!! Wish me luck!!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Have you ever watched the movie "Oliver"? I just finished watching it a few minutes ago, and now I am here to tell you about it. It's about a little boy named Oliver Twist. His mother died when giving birth to him, and he was in a Workhouse for Boys, run by Mr. and Mrs. Bumble. Oliver goes through a lot of ordeals, which bring him to Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry, who do things for funerals (I know there's a word for it I just can't think of it at the moment), walking for seven days, and then with Fagin and the boys. While Oliver is out with Dodger and Charlie, he gets accused of pickpocketing Mr. Brownlow, even though he was only watching how it was done. Mr. Brownlow decides to bring Oliver home with him, but the next day when Oliver is on his way to return some books to Mr. Brownlow, Nancy and Bill Sikes catch him and bring him back to Fagin. As the story unfolds, we are shown the bravery and loyalty of Oliver, the cunning, sneakiness, and violence of Bill Sikes, the compassion of Nancy, and the greediness and villainy of Fagin. This movie is an amazing musical. It is well-written, and performed fantastically.

Everyone should try to see this movie soon!

Just another thought I had. I just cut my bunny's nails this afternoon, and I was wondering if anyone else has done so before fo their bunny? I would like to talk about it with you, if you are out there. I must say, I was marveling at the calmness of my bunny as I laid him on his back on my lap so I would be able to cut his nails. I was especially amazed by this, because he is usually a quite restless bunny. He runs around in his cage, and when I let him out of it, he is simply all over the place! It shocks me at how such a small bunny can have such an endless amount of energy!!

Well, seeing at how I have to get up early for school tomorrow, I must bid you goodbye.


lil' mis laughs-a-lot (I think that penname suits me a little better, and is more original than "superblogginggirl." What do you think?)

Friday, January 1, 2010

I feel so smart!!

I feel so smart!! I just checked report cards from my school, and I got really good grades!! It's sort of weird though that they JUST put out the FIRST report cards, but whatever. I guess it doesn't really matter, since now I know what grades I got. The only B I got was in math, and that was a B+!!! The rest was either A or A-. Which is really good, right? I mean, it's not as if I need to be a genius to get into high school. This is the report card grades that high schools look at. Aren't you happy for me?

Now that I've gotten that over with, I can't think of anything to say, but I don't really want to stop blogging just yet. Well......I'm at a camp reunion right now-it started last night and it's going through the weekend-and I'm having a lot of fun, but now that I've told you about that, there's nothing to say again. I guess I should stop blogging now-that way I can socialize more-so I guess I'll sign off now.

Have a nice weekend fellow bloggers and random readers!!

superblogginggirl (Do you like my new penname?)


It's really here!!!! It's actually 2010!!!

I'm so excited!! Anyone who was in New York while the ball was dropping, YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! And if you got on tv, you're even luckier!!! And if you got kissed by your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife, when the ball was falling, then you are the LUCKIEST!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful new year filled with love and happiness!!!

And make sure it is filled with smile and laughter too!!!!