Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow Days

Snow days.... I love them so much! have you heard of them? Yeah, they're those days that we haven't gotten any of yet this year! You know, where it snows a lot, so we don't have school.... Oh right! Forgot about those, huh? Well, don't feel guilty. There's no need to. I might have forgotten what they were also, except that I love snow, so it's like impossible to forget about snow day, which are just an added bonus of snow! I wish it would stop snowing on the weekends. I mean, it's true, it has snowed on a few Sunday nights this year, but then it doesn't snow enough to get a snow day. And that's what we need! A day where there is just so much snow a person can't possibly go anywhere except sledding!! Has anyone seen the weather forecast lately? Do you know if there's any snow expected? If there is please tell me! I need to prepare for a snow day tomorrow morning then!!

The following is a list of what you need to do to ensure a snow day the next morning:
1) Wear your pajamas inside out and backwards (no matter how silly you look!).
2) Put a silver spoon underneath your pillow.
3) Put a penny face-up on your windowsill.
4) Think about a giant blizzard coming in the might and giving us at least two feet of snow.
5) Wish for a snow day with all your might.

I am sure that there are more and I just can't remember them, so if you know them you can add them to my list in a comment, or just do them and tell all your friends to do them too!! (I know, I'm getting desperate here though! I really, really, really want some followers and comments on my blog!!)


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