Thursday, January 28, 2010


As you can see, I have been pondering a little bit lately. I'm trying to figure out what love is really like, what it really means. It's a very hard topic to figure out. There are just so many different answers!

For example, some people say that love is when you dream about someone constantly. Others say it's when you get butterflies in your stomach from being with that person. Still others say that it's when you want to have kids with that person. Others say that love is when you are ready and willing to spend the rest of your life with that person.

I'm not fully sure which one I agree with!! I'm sure there are more definitions of love, so I'll keep thinking of them, and try to figure out which I agree with. Get back to you later!!

-lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!!!

Howdy y'all!! I haen't been able to blog in *such* a long time!!! I've been *majorly* busy. First, I chose between two guys, and I am almost positive that I made the better choice. Two, it's winter vacation now!!! My family is skiing, while I am home taking a sewing class. It's a lot of fun. Yesterday we made pajama pants, and today we made shirts. Tomorrow morning we are going to do the hem on the shirt, and then start our skirts!! Fun, fun, fun!!!

Yesterday there was a huge storm here where I live. It was pretty unbelievable!!! On one street, three telephone poles fell down into the street, but they haven't fully hit the ground. They're being suspended in the air by the wires! Then as I was walking home from my sewing class today, I passed a street and saw that a telephone pole and the *ginormous* (don't tell me that that's not a real word; I don't care) tree next to it fell down, and *just* missed hitting someone's house!!

Huh. You know, I thought I had so much to say, but now that I am finally here at the computer, on my blog, and typing, I can't seem to remember it!!!!! I *hate* when that happens. It gets to be very cumbersome (I think that that word fits in where it is and makes sense there, but I am not fully sure. I just think it sounds cool, and since it happened to pop into my head, I put it in!!).


-lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Drama Club and Evil Teachers

Heyy!! Long time no blog!! I wonder if I have any comments yet???

Today the drama club in my school put on their performance. (By the way, my crush is in it [he's the only boy, yet he's not afraid of what people say about him; how cute is that??!!], and he is an AMAZING actor!!!! I can't believe he never acted before!!) The assistant principal was there watching it also, and she ruined the entire play!! She yelled at this little 6th grade girl (who is very shy, let me just say) that she needed to be louder! And she did that in front of EVERYONE in the audience, AND while the girl was IN THE MIDDLE of her PERFORMANCE!!! What kind of person does that??She's (the assistant principal) is so not a human being that it's unbelievable, and I can't believe the school ever hired her!! Then she went and cut 20 minutes out of each and every scene in the performance. Next, she went so far as to actually cut out 2 scenes from the performance!!! And even worse was that she kicked 8th grade out, because people weren't being good, and it's so not fair to the people like my friends and me who really wanted to see it!!!!!

I mean, I was at the performance last night, but I didn't get to see any of it, except for the first 10 minutes!! I was backstage helping everyone out. I washed paint off one girl's face, I handed another girl her "mushrooms." Best of all though, I helped people run lines. Including my crush!!!! And let me just tell you this. But you have to keep it a secret!! In one of the scenes (he was especially good in that one), he had to come out with his pants down around his ankles (he wore a bathing suit underneath so people wouldn't see his boxers) and his legs all bloody (honey with red food coloring in it-looks real!!). Oh my god!!!! He has such sexy legs!!! They're a little less muscled/toned than they could be, but they have like, the perfect amount of hairiness on them, and oh my god I can't get over how much I wanted to touch his legs!!

I know that sounds stalkerish, but I have a date with him, meaning that he must like me too, right? So it's definitely not stalkerish!!

-lil' miss laugh-a-lot

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No More Acting.....

It's horribly sad. My acting class is over for the year. I mean, I could sign up again for the spring class, but I can't because I am doing my school play in the spring, and it's too hard to do both of them.

We performed our play Monday and Tuesday night. Oh my god it was amazing!!!! I actually have slight troubles believing that we did it so well. That is, last night was MUCH better than the first night, but the first night was pretty good still. We performed Fools, by Neil Simon. It was hysterical!!! I am telling you, ever single one of you reading this should go out to the library or something and get that play and read the whole thing. I can guarantee you will enjoy it!! To make it really enjoyable though, pick different voices for each character, and then if you want, act it out. At least try to get really into each character, and feel what they are feeling in the story. I was Snetsky, and just in case if you want to use the same voice I used for him, I talked with a lisp the entire play. Believe me, it sounds really funny with a lisp.

To tell you the real truth, it won't be half as enjoyable for you to read and attempt to act out yourselves as it would have been for you to have come watch my performance of it. (Just so you know. But don't feel upset about it, because it's too late to change the fact that none of you, my faithful readers, were there.) I forgive you for it though. One hundred percent completely. Especially since I was so busy the days before the performances, that I forgot to tell you about it! So if you wan to blame someone, you may blame me.

I have to go study for a social studies test now. Wish me luck on it tomorrow!

-lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow Days

Snow days.... I love them so much! have you heard of them? Yeah, they're those days that we haven't gotten any of yet this year! You know, where it snows a lot, so we don't have school.... Oh right! Forgot about those, huh? Well, don't feel guilty. There's no need to. I might have forgotten what they were also, except that I love snow, so it's like impossible to forget about snow day, which are just an added bonus of snow! I wish it would stop snowing on the weekends. I mean, it's true, it has snowed on a few Sunday nights this year, but then it doesn't snow enough to get a snow day. And that's what we need! A day where there is just so much snow a person can't possibly go anywhere except sledding!! Has anyone seen the weather forecast lately? Do you know if there's any snow expected? If there is please tell me! I need to prepare for a snow day tomorrow morning then!!

The following is a list of what you need to do to ensure a snow day the next morning:
1) Wear your pajamas inside out and backwards (no matter how silly you look!).
2) Put a silver spoon underneath your pillow.
3) Put a penny face-up on your windowsill.
4) Think about a giant blizzard coming in the might and giving us at least two feet of snow.
5) Wish for a snow day with all your might.

I am sure that there are more and I just can't remember them, so if you know them you can add them to my list in a comment, or just do them and tell all your friends to do them too!! (I know, I'm getting desperate here though! I really, really, really want some followers and comments on my blog!!)


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One of Those Days...

Have you ever had one of those days? Where your hopes are p really high about something and you feel like you're floating way up high on a cloud in the sky (ha! that rhymes! I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!)?

Well, that was what my day was like today. At first I was all excited and happy, because two nights ago I found out that the boy I like might ask me out (and I found this out from a reliable source- he told me himself!) By the way...this is top secret stuff!!!! Shhh, don't tell!!! ;^} (lips sealed and locked)

But then tonight we were talking, and I realized something, which I just finished e-mailing him about, that we are really close friends, and if we did go out we would end up breaking up sometime. I wouldn't want to lose a friend like him to a break up though! That would be really depressing, since we're so close. I feel like I can tell him anything!! He's like my twin brother that I never had. Or something like that.

Sure, it would be fun for a while to be his girlfriend, but then we'd probably get interested in different people, we'd end up fighting a lot, and things just wouldn't work out. (At least, that's what I've heard about.) So I'm glad I decided to go ahead while I had the courage, and just e-mail him that, because otherwise, things may have turned out disastrously!

Here's a shout-out to all those lonely, broken hearts out there! Normally, now would be a good time to say "Don't worry about it! There are other, better fish in the sea!" But I happen to know from some experience that when you have a lonely, broken heart, it sure doesn't feel like any other fish could be any better than your ex-fish. But i will say this. You should cheer up, because if you and your special "fish" broke up, it's for a good reason. Maybe it was because you two just weren't right for each other, you were having fights about stupid things like what kind of milk is better, way too often, or your "fish" was pressuring you into doing things you didn't want to do. Don't worry! These things are all perfectly normal. You need to realize that you have enough time to get married, time which you could use for finding the fish meant for you. As a great jewish scholar once said, "This too is for the good." And this quote is so true. I have gone by this quote so many times before in my life, that it's insane! For example, my friend and I were raising money in our school to buy a wedding present for one of our teachers. Well, we had one all picked out from their registry, and we would have been able to raise all the money for it in the time we had, but it turns out that into our second day of fund-raising, someone else had bought it before us. The two of us were extremely upset by this, and we didn't know what to do! So we went to a different store, where we found a present that was even more perfect than the one we had originally chosen! And the whole time, guess what I was thinking to myself. "Oh my god, that quote really is true! Everything really is for the good! No matter how bad something seems, it can still work out even better!" That thought just went around and around in my head that day.

Luckily, I'm realizing it now also, before I do something that will ruin the friendship between me and this boy irreparably!

So just think of that quote! And good luck to you all!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Time Wasters

Did you know that there are millions of time wasters out there in our world, just waiting to be found?

If you didn't, here are some of them:
1) Talking on instant messenger
2) Facebook/Myspace/twitter
3) Texting (unless if it's about something important)
4) Watching tv
5) Coloring on yourself
6) Making mudpies
7) Procrastinating, especially when you should be studying for a giant math test you have TOMORROW!!!!!

It's true. I fit into the last category of time wasters. It's pretty bad for me. And I'm also talking on AIM. So I think I'll go finish up my conversations with m friends, and then force myself to go study. Toodles!!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's Over!

My interview is over and done with! If I do say so myself, it went pretty well. When it was over I went around with one of the students there. I was supposed to stay all day, but I wasn't feeling very well, and I was going to walk home anyways, so I walked home early. Thank you, I appreciate your get well wishes to me!!

Now I have to go back to school tomorrow though, and I have a really hard test that I have to take. I'm scared for it. Do I have any good luck wishes? Some of you must surely be wondering why I am blogging if I should really be studying for my giant test tomorrow, right? Well, to tell you the truth, blogging is a LOT more fun that studying!!

Now I have to go, so have a good rest of the day, and a good night!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Monday, January 4, 2010

High School

Wh out there has already gone through the high school ordeal? Well I will begin next year. I'm really scared of being the lowly freshman, who is bossed around by all the seniors and sophomores and juniors. They're all so big! And I'm so small!!

Tomorrow I have my interview, and then after that I am spending the day with a buddy who will take me to all her classes and stuff, so I can see what that high school is really like.

I'm so scared!!! I hope I don't seem like a complete idiot on my interview!! I will sound like on though if they ask me about current events. That's like, my worst subject ever!!!!

I have to go take a shower now, so I look nice tomorrow!! Wish me luck!!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Have you ever watched the movie "Oliver"? I just finished watching it a few minutes ago, and now I am here to tell you about it. It's about a little boy named Oliver Twist. His mother died when giving birth to him, and he was in a Workhouse for Boys, run by Mr. and Mrs. Bumble. Oliver goes through a lot of ordeals, which bring him to Mr. and Mrs. Sowerberry, who do things for funerals (I know there's a word for it I just can't think of it at the moment), walking for seven days, and then with Fagin and the boys. While Oliver is out with Dodger and Charlie, he gets accused of pickpocketing Mr. Brownlow, even though he was only watching how it was done. Mr. Brownlow decides to bring Oliver home with him, but the next day when Oliver is on his way to return some books to Mr. Brownlow, Nancy and Bill Sikes catch him and bring him back to Fagin. As the story unfolds, we are shown the bravery and loyalty of Oliver, the cunning, sneakiness, and violence of Bill Sikes, the compassion of Nancy, and the greediness and villainy of Fagin. This movie is an amazing musical. It is well-written, and performed fantastically.

Everyone should try to see this movie soon!

Just another thought I had. I just cut my bunny's nails this afternoon, and I was wondering if anyone else has done so before fo their bunny? I would like to talk about it with you, if you are out there. I must say, I was marveling at the calmness of my bunny as I laid him on his back on my lap so I would be able to cut his nails. I was especially amazed by this, because he is usually a quite restless bunny. He runs around in his cage, and when I let him out of it, he is simply all over the place! It shocks me at how such a small bunny can have such an endless amount of energy!!

Well, seeing at how I have to get up early for school tomorrow, I must bid you goodbye.


lil' mis laughs-a-lot (I think that penname suits me a little better, and is more original than "superblogginggirl." What do you think?)

Friday, January 1, 2010

I feel so smart!!

I feel so smart!! I just checked report cards from my school, and I got really good grades!! It's sort of weird though that they JUST put out the FIRST report cards, but whatever. I guess it doesn't really matter, since now I know what grades I got. The only B I got was in math, and that was a B+!!! The rest was either A or A-. Which is really good, right? I mean, it's not as if I need to be a genius to get into high school. This is the report card grades that high schools look at. Aren't you happy for me?

Now that I've gotten that over with, I can't think of anything to say, but I don't really want to stop blogging just yet. Well......I'm at a camp reunion right now-it started last night and it's going through the weekend-and I'm having a lot of fun, but now that I've told you about that, there's nothing to say again. I guess I should stop blogging now-that way I can socialize more-so I guess I'll sign off now.

Have a nice weekend fellow bloggers and random readers!!

superblogginggirl (Do you like my new penname?)


It's really here!!!! It's actually 2010!!!

I'm so excited!! Anyone who was in New York while the ball was dropping, YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! And if you got on tv, you're even luckier!!! And if you got kissed by your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife, when the ball was falling, then you are the LUCKIEST!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful new year filled with love and happiness!!!

And make sure it is filled with smile and laughter too!!!!