Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One of Those Days...

Have you ever had one of those days? Where your hopes are p really high about something and you feel like you're floating way up high on a cloud in the sky (ha! that rhymes! I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!)?

Well, that was what my day was like today. At first I was all excited and happy, because two nights ago I found out that the boy I like might ask me out (and I found this out from a reliable source- he told me himself!) By the way...this is top secret stuff!!!! Shhh, don't tell!!! ;^} (lips sealed and locked)

But then tonight we were talking, and I realized something, which I just finished e-mailing him about, that we are really close friends, and if we did go out we would end up breaking up sometime. I wouldn't want to lose a friend like him to a break up though! That would be really depressing, since we're so close. I feel like I can tell him anything!! He's like my twin brother that I never had. Or something like that.

Sure, it would be fun for a while to be his girlfriend, but then we'd probably get interested in different people, we'd end up fighting a lot, and things just wouldn't work out. (At least, that's what I've heard about.) So I'm glad I decided to go ahead while I had the courage, and just e-mail him that, because otherwise, things may have turned out disastrously!

Here's a shout-out to all those lonely, broken hearts out there! Normally, now would be a good time to say "Don't worry about it! There are other, better fish in the sea!" But I happen to know from some experience that when you have a lonely, broken heart, it sure doesn't feel like any other fish could be any better than your ex-fish. But i will say this. You should cheer up, because if you and your special "fish" broke up, it's for a good reason. Maybe it was because you two just weren't right for each other, you were having fights about stupid things like what kind of milk is better, way too often, or your "fish" was pressuring you into doing things you didn't want to do. Don't worry! These things are all perfectly normal. You need to realize that you have enough time to get married, time which you could use for finding the fish meant for you. As a great jewish scholar once said, "This too is for the good." And this quote is so true. I have gone by this quote so many times before in my life, that it's insane! For example, my friend and I were raising money in our school to buy a wedding present for one of our teachers. Well, we had one all picked out from their registry, and we would have been able to raise all the money for it in the time we had, but it turns out that into our second day of fund-raising, someone else had bought it before us. The two of us were extremely upset by this, and we didn't know what to do! So we went to a different store, where we found a present that was even more perfect than the one we had originally chosen! And the whole time, guess what I was thinking to myself. "Oh my god, that quote really is true! Everything really is for the good! No matter how bad something seems, it can still work out even better!" That thought just went around and around in my head that day.

Luckily, I'm realizing it now also, before I do something that will ruin the friendship between me and this boy irreparably!

So just think of that quote! And good luck to you all!

lil' miss laughs-a-lot

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