Thursday, June 17, 2010

late night GLEE

Glee is a tv show that has been on for a while now, I believe at least a year. I just finished watching the first  6 episodes. I must admit, it was most likely a big mistake to watch 6 episodes in a row of a tv show until 3:15 AM. Especially considering I have to wake up at 8:30 to shower and get to the orthodontist for my 9:20 appointment on time. I'm exhausted, a shower had better energize me when I wake up!

Don't stay up too late! (At least no later than now.)

-Sara :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Is it the end? Or just the begininning? Or is it simply someplace in the middle?

In the theater, we would say that act 1 has ended, the curtain has closed temporarily, and act 2 will begin shortly.

Graduating 8th grade has marked the end of my childhood days, as well as the start of my high school experience. As sad as it is that I won't see a lot of my good friends from elementary and middle school again, due to the fact that many of us are going to different high schools, I am very excited for what awaits in the next 4 years of my life. How could I not be? New friends, a new school, new teachers. Not to mention everything I'll learn, in school and out, be it book smarts or street smarts. Last night at the end of graduation I was crying so hard while hugging my friends. This is a major milestone in all our lives, but it also makes it more real how there is a big chance we will lose each other through it all. I do't want that to happen! I have met so many great people at school in the past 8 years of my life, and even if we weren't exactly best friends, we did get closer! I want to keep getting closer with them, rather than slowly grow apart.

During graduation I could not stop smiling. :)  It made me so happy to know that I made it, along with all my friends! Wearing a new dress and 3" heels could only add to my happiness of course. Haha, but on a more serious note, I felt so proud of myself when I received my diploma (it had my name on it!) and when the salutatorians and the valedictorian spoke. They are all extremely good friends of mine. Unfortunately, 3 out of the 4 of them are going to different schools from me. :(  I could not get over how proud they made me feel, though. The only way that comes to mind for how to describe my feeling about it, is that I felt as proud as i would have if they were my own children! It sounds weird, but it describes it pretty accurately.

Now I have the whole summer ahead of me before I need to start worrying about high school! It's a busy summer, and I think I'll start it right now. Well, I'll start getting ready for the graduation pool party I'm going to soon!

Big kiss, class dismissed! (I go that from a book I read, it's really good.)

-Sara =)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


What a subject! The first thing you must know is that you most definitely should not be sexist! No one appreciates it and it will get you nowhere in life. I have a very big final this Monday, and a bunch of people in my class were studying in a shul together for it. I went to join them, needing a little help; I was the only girl since the other girls in my class all live on the other side of town from me, and the one girl who does live near me was away. I sat down, took out my books, and we were about to start when an older man in the room comes over. I figured "Oh, maybe we're being a little too loud, there are a lot of us after all." But no! He came to inform me of the fact that the room was for men only. I was kicked out!! Can you say "sexist"? Because I certainly can, and that was a great example of a sexist person. The table we were at was in the far corner of the room from the door, so I had to walk the walk of shame through the room, everyone staring at me as I went. Can you believe that? I mean, the nerve of him! It's not uncommon nowadays for people to have co-ed study groups, and so the Beit Midrash (study room) should be for both girls and boys. I would really like to write a very angry (yet still respectful) letter to the rabbi of that shul. I will refrain from saying his name to save him the embarrassment, but he certainly failed to refrain people of his congregation for embarrassing me in his shul!! The letter would no doubt be in vain, my friend told me that she read on his blog an extremely sexist comment. He wrote that he believes that women belong in the kitchen. Uh, he-llo!!! We live in the 21st century, where women are quite commonly successful people, and it is not rare for a woman to be more successful than a man.

Any suggestions about how to solve this sexist problem of mine?

-Sara =)