Sunday, July 11, 2010


Screw the break!!! My best friend and I are back to being friends, not best friends, but friends. We still act the same with each other but we don't have the same title.

-Sara :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

breaks and heat waves

Currently we are experiencing a major heat wave, temperatures over 100 degrees for days in a row. Not pleasant in the slightest bit!

My ex-best friend and I are taking a break from each other, which is where the "ex" comes into things. She doesn't think it's worth it to continue trying to be friends with me, and I honestly feel the same way abou her. She just isn't the type of person I have much in common with, who's so-called "jokes" I can laugh at.

Is it wrong to take a break from someone who was one of your 2 best friends for over a year? Please give m your feedback on this, I would really like to know.

Oodles of love!

-Sara :)