Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was just looking at all the things I can do on my blog. I haven't managed to fully figure it out yet, but I'm definitely working on it. I want to learn how to get pictures on here, and how to make different things to click on to get to certain posts. Also, I saw this thing for AdSense, but I can't really figure out what it does. I know that it's to put ads on my blog, and I know that I can somehow make money from that, bu I'm not totally sure if I want to do that. I mean, my older brother is amazing with computers, he even built one! I would ask him now, but he's studying for a test he has tomorrow with my cousin, who's in his class at school, and I can't disturb them, especially not for this, which could take a while. So I suppose I'll just ask him later.

I just realized, I meant to go biking to the candy store, but I don't really want to go alone. I guess I'll go call my friend now to see if she wants to come with me.



What does one do when his/her parents might be getting divorced? Because I think mine might be, but they haven't said anything about a divorce, so I don't want to bring it up. I mean, I think everyone's lives would be easier if they did get divorced, but it would also be very hard, especially financially, what with having two kids in high school and one in middle school next year, all at yeshiva. My parents have been fighting a lot lately. Actually, not just lately. My parents have been fighting a lot all the time. And now, they keep going to these appointments together. I feel like they are going to a marriage counselor (do those exist?) or they are going to someone who specializes in writing up divorce papers, helping them figure out how to split everything up.

I know it sounds horrible, but I would be pretty happy with a divorce. I would live with my mom, no question about it, and only have to visit my dad once in a while, maybe once a month, but probably not more than that. Even my best friend notices how much less tense, nervous, and jumpy my mom is when my dad isn't home. The house is quieter (sort of; quiet is slightly hard to achieve when you have a 16 year old brother and an 11 and a half year old brother).

I think the one person a divorce would be hard on is my younger brother. He is closest with my dad. My dad spoils him like there's no tomorrow, never saying no to anything he wants. Sometimes my dad gets mad at my brother for bothering him, but he never gets as angry as he does at the rest of us. It really annoys me when I think about how my dad spoils my brother so much, almost never getting angry at him compared to how many times he gets angry at me, my mom, and my older brother. It also really worries me when I think about what it's going to be like living with my mom and two brothers, and having to deal with my younger brother. He gets on my nerves so much!! Sometimes I get so angry and annoyed at him, that I start to genuinely hate him. I know I sound like the worst sister imaginable, but you've never had to live with him before!!

I'm really in the mood for jelly beans right now, so I think I'm going to go bike to the candy store to get some, and maybe some chocolate and gum too. I guess I'll just stock up on enough to last me for a couple of weeks at least. I like to stock up on candy once in a long while, and then keep it on my desk, because then when I'm studying or doing homework, or if I'm just in a bad mood, I have something sweet to eat. It always helps!! You should all try it you know. Just go out, buy a thing of your favorite candy that you can have whenever you want, and just keep it on your desk or someplace else in your room if not your desk. Then when you're working and need something to keep you going, you have it right there. Or if you're sad, you have something sweet that you love to cheer you up, and it's in easy access!!

Tata for now!!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Women's Accomplishments

My grade is required to enter the 19th Annual Kaplun Essay Contest. We have to write an essay about our favorite hero/heroine, Biblical, historical, or contemporary, and his/her influence on Jewish history and/or Jewish values.

It's really hard! Tonight I have to find a person to write about and come up with a topic sentence. It shouldn't be that hard, except that I can't decide who to write about! I want to do a woman, since I think that it would be easier for me to relate to a woman than to a man. In some cases this is not true, but for me I think it is.

I researched four people, one of which I finally chose. The first three I researched were Golda Meir, Chana Senesh, and Henrietta Szold. I decided against Golda Meir, because I thought that she was too typical, but it turns out that i don't think many people are writing about her. Chana Senesh was nixed next, because she was an amazing person, it's true, but I couldn't think of a good way that she had impacted Jewish history. Third went Henrietta Szold, for the same reason as Chana Senesh. I finally called up my cousin, who is a senior in high school, to see what ideas she had. She suggested doing the woman who started the Bais Yaakov movement. She started out as a poor seamstress, but then followed her dream and started teaching young Jewish girls Torah, in order to save their jewish souls from being destroyed by the secular world.

She is an amazing woman, and I am not fully sure why, but she made some sort of impact on me.

I have to go now, so I'll talk to you soon!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I checked my e-mails a few minutes ago, and when I logged off I saw an article about the Olympics. I read it, finding it very interesting. It's about a woman (I forgot her name) who is an alternate on the Canada Women's Curling team. She is 5 1/2 months pregnant! It turns out that she found out about her pregnancy just a few weeks before she was told about being accepted as an alternate! The team is very supportive of her, so it makes no difference in the long run.

I think it's so cool to be in the Olympics!

Whoops! Here comes my mom, and I'm not supposed to be on the computer right now!



Valentine's Day Presents

Today, my boyfriend gave me a Valentine's Day present, because even though we don't celebrate it, we think of it as a day to spread the love, and show how much we love each other. He got me the cutest little teddy bear ever!! It has a red bow around its neck, and all over the bow it has lips and says "xoxo". On its bottom paws it has a red heart outlined on each, and its holding a red heart that says "xoxo" in gold letters. I love it!!! It's the best present a guy has ever gotten me!!

I got him a card, and I made these crayons that are different colors, because they're melted together. Then with the crayons, I made him a picture. The last thing I gave him, which I gave him today instead of yesterday, since he forgot his wallet yesterday, was a picture of me that I put in his wallet. On the back of it I wrote him a little note telling him how much I love him and just how much he means to me.

Personally, I think we're a perfect couple!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Romantic Times

I was watching Titanic for the first time ever on Saturday night. I know what you must be thinking. "How could she have never seen Titanic? It's a classic movie!" Well, it's true. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but Saturday night was the first time I ever saw that movie. I think it's one of the most amazing movies ever made! James Cameron is a genius!! My boyfriend told me that it got 11 Oscars, and I think it deserved every one of them!!! I knwo it's super sad, not to mention super long, but I think I might put it on my iPod, that's how much I loved it. What made it even better though, was that I saw it with my boyfriend. We weren't alone when we saw it of course. We saw it at my friend's house, and there was 2 of my girl friends nd 2 of my guy friends there, not including my boyfriend. It was so romantic! We were holding hands and playing footsie and everything, and at one point during the movie he put his arm around me! My friend's mom came in though, so we had to hurry and separate, because we would get in trouble if we didn't, but it was great while it lasted!! You know that scene in the movie where Rose and Jack are standing on the railing of the ship, and she tells Jack that she trusts him, and they're holding hands? Yeah, so when that happened, my boyfriend squeezed my hand a little, since we were already haolding hands, and he also took my other hand in his. He's such a sweetheart!!

Today, we had a study date. He came over and we went to study in my basement. We didn't end up studying all that much though. We mostly just studied each other, which was fine by both of us! He has really soft hands, and he's so strong! I couldn't believe how strong he is, because just looking at him, you can't tell. I was running my fingers all along his upper arms and his chest, and man could I feel those muscles! He has super warm skin, and I felt like I could just melt in his arms. Then, right before he left, we stopped studying and just cuddled on the couch. I was tracing his jawline and the outline of his lips with my fingers, very lightly. When my fingers were on his lips, he kissed each of my fingertips on that hand. It was the cutest, most romantic thing a guy has ever done to me!

As soon as his lips touched my fingers, I felt a sort of electric shock going through my body. I know I love him now. He's so perfect for me! Luckily, he loves me too. And I know this is true, because he's told me plenty of times, but also, I can see it in the way he looks at me and talks to me. He has a certain tenderness about him. He's the most amazing thing that could ever happen to a girl! Here's a shout-out to my boyfriend: I love you! (Not that you didn't know that already.)

Love is such an amazing feeling. I feel happy all the time, as if I'm floating on a cloud, and have a piece of heaven on Earth. It's amazing how love can make a person feel, don't you think?

I wish my boyfriend and I could do things like today more often, but his parents say that us bring boyfriend/girlfriend is all the more reason for us notto be alone!! Sometime though, sooner rather than later, but later rather than never at all, the two of us are going to go someplace where we can be alone. Someplace where we won't have the pressures of our everday world following us, where we don't have to do any work (like studying- except for studying each other of course!), and where we can be ourselves. I don't want to have to worry all the time about being caught cuddling with him or something (my parents wouldn't approve of that either), and I want to have the freedom to do what we want!

I'll think about what to do.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Long Times, No Blog!!

G-d it's been a while!! How has everyone been? So much has been going on in my part of town. We just had 2 snow-days in a row (last Wednesday and Thursday). It was so much fun!!! Especially since I had a date on both of them, with my absolutely wonderful boyfriend. Here's a shout-out to all you lucky girls with your own special guys!!!! (In my own opinion, my guy is best though. Don't throw a hissy fit about that last statement though, because everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.)

Life has been very good to me lately. How about all of you, people of the world? I'm glad to hear it's been good to you too. Oh, it hasn't been good to you? I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Really, I am!

Last week, my friend and I were writing an article for our school's newsletter and blog, about a Shabbaton we had for the 8th graders. I found out that my teacher has a blog also! It was pretty cool to find that out. I was asking him if I searched for him under his name, if I would find his blog. He said most probably, because he thinks that if a person has a blog anonymously, it's because they are either a coward or they have something to hide. His opinion is that if you need to be anonymous on your blog because of something you wrote on it, then you shouldn't be writing it on your blog, or you just shouldn't have a blog in the first place!

So, since I agree with my teacher, I would like to start from a clean slate. Tell you things you need to know about me, but that are not dangerous to my safety, since that would just be utterly idiotic and would do me no good whatsoever in the long run. Here goes!

My name is Sara. There is no "h" at the end of my name. So if you are going to spell my name, please do not misspell it, since I gave you the correct spelling. Next, is that I am in 8th grade. When you think about it, me being in 8th grade makes sense, considering that I did help write an article about an 8th grade event. How else would I have known what it was like, unless if I were there as an 8th grader, ready for new and exciting experiences? My point exactly. The third thing you need to know for now is that I really want at least one person to follow my blog! Get all its updates, read what I write on it. Even comment on it just a little!!! That would be so exciting for me! It would make me feel like I was honestly and truly published. I mean, I know that I am published right now, since every time I write something new on my blog, I hit the "Publish Post" button in order for it to get put up on my blog.

I must go now, but I will be back in a jiffy (translation= a few minutes) to finish up!! Ta ta!!

-Sara =^D