Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Is it the end? Or just the begininning? Or is it simply someplace in the middle?

In the theater, we would say that act 1 has ended, the curtain has closed temporarily, and act 2 will begin shortly.

Graduating 8th grade has marked the end of my childhood days, as well as the start of my high school experience. As sad as it is that I won't see a lot of my good friends from elementary and middle school again, due to the fact that many of us are going to different high schools, I am very excited for what awaits in the next 4 years of my life. How could I not be? New friends, a new school, new teachers. Not to mention everything I'll learn, in school and out, be it book smarts or street smarts. Last night at the end of graduation I was crying so hard while hugging my friends. This is a major milestone in all our lives, but it also makes it more real how there is a big chance we will lose each other through it all. I do't want that to happen! I have met so many great people at school in the past 8 years of my life, and even if we weren't exactly best friends, we did get closer! I want to keep getting closer with them, rather than slowly grow apart.

During graduation I could not stop smiling. :)  It made me so happy to know that I made it, along with all my friends! Wearing a new dress and 3" heels could only add to my happiness of course. Haha, but on a more serious note, I felt so proud of myself when I received my diploma (it had my name on it!) and when the salutatorians and the valedictorian spoke. They are all extremely good friends of mine. Unfortunately, 3 out of the 4 of them are going to different schools from me. :(  I could not get over how proud they made me feel, though. The only way that comes to mind for how to describe my feeling about it, is that I felt as proud as i would have if they were my own children! It sounds weird, but it describes it pretty accurately.

Now I have the whole summer ahead of me before I need to start worrying about high school! It's a busy summer, and I think I'll start it right now. Well, I'll start getting ready for the graduation pool party I'm going to soon!

Big kiss, class dismissed! (I go that from a book I read, it's really good.)

-Sara =)

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