Sunday, February 14, 2010

Long Times, No Blog!!

G-d it's been a while!! How has everyone been? So much has been going on in my part of town. We just had 2 snow-days in a row (last Wednesday and Thursday). It was so much fun!!! Especially since I had a date on both of them, with my absolutely wonderful boyfriend. Here's a shout-out to all you lucky girls with your own special guys!!!! (In my own opinion, my guy is best though. Don't throw a hissy fit about that last statement though, because everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.)

Life has been very good to me lately. How about all of you, people of the world? I'm glad to hear it's been good to you too. Oh, it hasn't been good to you? I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Really, I am!

Last week, my friend and I were writing an article for our school's newsletter and blog, about a Shabbaton we had for the 8th graders. I found out that my teacher has a blog also! It was pretty cool to find that out. I was asking him if I searched for him under his name, if I would find his blog. He said most probably, because he thinks that if a person has a blog anonymously, it's because they are either a coward or they have something to hide. His opinion is that if you need to be anonymous on your blog because of something you wrote on it, then you shouldn't be writing it on your blog, or you just shouldn't have a blog in the first place!

So, since I agree with my teacher, I would like to start from a clean slate. Tell you things you need to know about me, but that are not dangerous to my safety, since that would just be utterly idiotic and would do me no good whatsoever in the long run. Here goes!

My name is Sara. There is no "h" at the end of my name. So if you are going to spell my name, please do not misspell it, since I gave you the correct spelling. Next, is that I am in 8th grade. When you think about it, me being in 8th grade makes sense, considering that I did help write an article about an 8th grade event. How else would I have known what it was like, unless if I were there as an 8th grader, ready for new and exciting experiences? My point exactly. The third thing you need to know for now is that I really want at least one person to follow my blog! Get all its updates, read what I write on it. Even comment on it just a little!!! That would be so exciting for me! It would make me feel like I was honestly and truly published. I mean, I know that I am published right now, since every time I write something new on my blog, I hit the "Publish Post" button in order for it to get put up on my blog.

I must go now, but I will be back in a jiffy (translation= a few minutes) to finish up!! Ta ta!!

-Sara =^D

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