Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was just looking at all the things I can do on my blog. I haven't managed to fully figure it out yet, but I'm definitely working on it. I want to learn how to get pictures on here, and how to make different things to click on to get to certain posts. Also, I saw this thing for AdSense, but I can't really figure out what it does. I know that it's to put ads on my blog, and I know that I can somehow make money from that, bu I'm not totally sure if I want to do that. I mean, my older brother is amazing with computers, he even built one! I would ask him now, but he's studying for a test he has tomorrow with my cousin, who's in his class at school, and I can't disturb them, especially not for this, which could take a while. So I suppose I'll just ask him later.

I just realized, I meant to go biking to the candy store, but I don't really want to go alone. I guess I'll go call my friend now to see if she wants to come with me.


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