Sunday, March 14, 2010


Oh. My. G-d!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! I have 2 followers!!! This is all I have ever dreamed of for my blog, to have followers and people who comment on it. This is a very auspicious day in my life!

So here is a shout-out to my loyal followers/commentors. I love you guys!

Here is another shout-out, to are right it is good to find a fellow knitter, and it is extremely cool that I can talk to someone all the way over in Australia. I have always wanted to have like a pen-pal or something, so if you would like, melsyoungestsis, I hope we continue to talk over this wonderful invention called the Internet!!! There is a very good website for knitters and crotcheters, where you register, and then a few days later or something you are sent an invititaion to create your account. People can become friends with their fellow knitters, find projects, patterns, yarns, from places all over the world! It is I think you should try it out! I have an account on it, and to tell you my opinion, it really comes in handy when you are looking for a pattern but don't know a specific one, there are so many different ones. For instance, on Friday I was at my mom's office, because I was going to my friend's house for the weekend and my mom didn't want to go back and forth, and I was looking for a knitted tie pattern. So I logged onto Ravelry, went onto the patterns part, put in "knitted tie" and I found two really cool patterns and one pattern for a bowtie! It's actually awesome!!!

Now I ahve one more shout-out. I am at my friend's house for the night and I'm using her laptop. She wants her laptop now to use, so here goes with the shout-out to my one voter!!!

Toodles!! Gnite!!!

-Little Miss Sunshine

1 comment:

Albusowner said...

Heya, thanks for the website link ;)