Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 2

As you can see from my title, this is day 2 of blogging for me.

As I begin to tell you about what's going on, I just want to put in the fact that I am talking on AIM. You should all get one and start talking on it. It's just like texting, but on the computer! Pretty cool when you think about it.

Well, now to tell you about my day. I just found out that I get out from school an hour earlier than usual tomorrow, because the town needs to do some work on a water pipe that is right outside my school. So, everything that was meant to be after school tomorrow is CANCELLED!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!!!!!

I hope that there is at least one person out there who is reading this, because I really want someone to share in my joy.

Good night everyone!!!! Don't forget to put a smile on!!!!!!


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